Embed Bilibili Video To HTML
Bilibili has provided us the HTML video embedding code for most of its videos. However, the code Bilibili provided is not responsive and mobile friendly.
In this blog post, I would like to quickly talk about how to embed Bilibili video to HTML in a responsive fashion.
The default video embedding code that Bilibili provided is not responsive on mobile devices because the iframe
height is fixed.
1 | <iframe src="//player.bilibili.com/player.html?aid=815462670&bvid=BV1hG4y1z7Cu&cid=829156678&page=3&high_quality=1&autoplay=false" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="no" framespacing="0" allowfullscreen="true" style="width:100%; height:600px"> </iframe> |
With the following settings, the video embedding code becomes responsive on mobile devices.
1 | <div style="position: relative; padding: 30% 45%;"> |
Other Options
There are some other options which might be useful in some use cases.
Key | Explanation | Value |
as_wide | Wide screen. | 1: Enabled. 0: Disabled |
danmaku | Danmaku. | 1: Enabled (default). 0: Disabled. |
Embed Bilibili Video To HTML