Format Python Code Using YAPF


To format C and C++ code, we often use Clang-Format. Recently I downloaded a couple of Python projects from Google’s GitHub, and I found that Google’s standard is to use 2-space indentation while my preference is to use 4-space indentation. Then the question is how to parse the Python projects so that it uses 4-space indentation. I tried to do it in Visual Studio Code but found no solutions. A naive way is to replace the 2-space string to 4-space string. However, this might introduce some unexpected problems.

Somehow I found Google has an open source tool YAPF for Python formatting. Its usages are very similar to Clang-Format, and its documentation is better than the Clang-Format’s documentation in my opinion. Since the YAPF’s documentation is self-explanatory, in this blog post I will just document some simple usages redundantly.


We install YAPF via apt on Ubuntu.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install yapf3 python3-yapf

Simple Usages

Use 4-Space Indentation in All Python Files

$ yapf3 --in-place --recursive --style="{indent_width: 4}" *.py
  • --in-place is to make modifications in-place to all the Python files, make sure you are aware of this and backup all the files before formatting.
  • --style is to indicate what style details should we use. Just like Clang-Format, if we have a style file in the directory, this argument does not have to be supplemented.
  • --recursive is to recursively go through the directory and its subdirectory.



Lei Mao

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