Expected Value and Variance from the Perspective of Quantum Theory
Sometimes, quantum theory is a little bit difficult to understand. This is because we could hardly build connections between quantum theory and our actual daily experiences. If there were some explanations to our experience and common sense, probably understanding quantum theory would be easier. Expected value and variance could be easily connected to and explained by quantum theory.
In this blog post, I would like to derive how expected value and variance are connected to quantum theory, which is the fundamentals to Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.
Quantum Theory
In quantum theory, observation is just applying an observable operator to the system superposition state vector and modifying the system state.
Quantum theory postulates that:
- To each physical observable there corresponds a hermitian operator
. - The eigenvalues of a hermitian operator
associated with a physical observable are the only possible values observable can take as a result of measuring it on any given state. Furthermore, the eigenvectors of form a basis for the state space.
The first postulate assumes for each physical observable, such as length, velocity, momentum, etc., there corresponds a hermitian operator (matrix)
The second postulate assumes that the eigenvectors of
According to quantum theory, a system state is a superposition of basic states, and the system state is determined once we take a measure of it. Concretely, we have a normalized system state superposition
Before taking the measurement, the system is a superposition of the
This might be somewhat counter-intuitive to people, as the system state is a superposition and the basic states of the system is determined by the physical observables. This is normal because this is not how we people usually perceive the world. We would just accept these for now if we could not understand.
Mathematically, let’s apply the hermitian matrix
Note that we used the property of eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Expected Value
Because the eigenvectors of
This is exactly the expected value of observation! We could compute the expected value of observation by just computing an inner product.
Note that
Mathematically, if the physical observable is
Given hermitian operator
We would like to see what the expected value of the observation corresponding to this hermitian operator.
Essentially this measurement corresponding to the hermitian operator
Mathematically, if the physical observable is
How about variance? Mathematically, variance is defined as
What is the observable in this case?
Therefore, the variance of the observation is
If you could not be convinced by this. Let’s show a formal proof.
This concludes the proof.
We have learned how quantum theory is related to the physical observations via mathematics. It is extremely amazing that statistics could be explained using quantum theory.
Expected Value and Variance from the Perspective of Quantum Theory