PUBG Red Packet Game Real-Time Leaderboard
This is a web application that monitors the PUBG red packet games from famous Chinese player, such as YYF, Mu, and Longdd, in real-time.
Real-Time Leaderboard
Learderboard Entry
The following link always directs the user to the latest application that is being deployed.
PUBG Red Packet Game Real-Time Leaderboard
Leaderboard Preview
Technical Details
Real-Time Leaderboard
The application consists of three major components, a web crawler, a stats summarizer, and a web server.
Web Crawler
The web crawler runs infinitely in the background, collecting all the player and match information to a SQLite database in real time.
Stats Summarizer
The stats summarizer queries the SQLite database routinely, prepares a stats snapshot, and save the stats snapshot to Redis server.
Web Server
The web server request the stats snapshot from the Redis server and send the information back the user upon request.
PUBG Red Packet Game Real-Time Leaderboard