Ichiban Kuji Probability Calculator


Ichiban Kuji is a popular lottery of winning toy figures handled every month by Banpresto in Japan. The probability of winning prizes could be calculated using simple mathematics and computer programs.

Ichiban Kuji

This is an prize winning probability calculator that helps the player to purchase the lottery tickets more wisely.

Ichiban Kuji Probability Calculator

Prize Remaining Prizes Prize Price Estimate Player Target





What’s the probability of achieving goals?

The probability of achieving goals is defined as winning the prizes that are equal or better than the ones set in the player target. For example, if the player’s goal is to win 1 A prize, 1 B prize, and 0 C prize, the remaining prizes are 2 A prizes, 2 B prizes, and 1 C prizes, given 10 lottery tickets, achieving goals is the sum of the probability of winning

  • 1 A prize, 1 B prize, and 0 C prize
  • 1 A prize, 1 B prize, and 1 C prize
  • 1 A prize, 2 B prize, and 0 C prize
  • 1 A prize, 2 B prize, and 1 C prize
  • 2 A prize, 1 B prize, and 0 C prize
  • 2 A prize, 1 B prize, and 1 C prize
  • 2 A prize, 2 B prize, and 0 C prize
  • 2 A prize, 2 B prize, and 1 C prize

If I only want to estimate the probability of winning one of the A, B or C prizes, what should I do?

The user could treat the Ichiban Kuji as if there is only one prize. Set the remaining prizes for A prize as the sum of remaining prizes for A, B, and C, and set the remaining prizes for B and C to 0. Set the player target for A prize to 1.

What’s the prize price estimate and the lottery unit price?

The prize price estimate is the player’s estimation of the price of the prize. The lottery unit price is the price of purchasing one lottery ticket. The values of prize price estimate and lottery unit price will not affect the probability calculation. But the calculator will inform the player of the number of lottery tickets within which, if the player achieves the goal, the player money. Otherwise, the player could have purchased the prizes instead of playing Ichiban Kuji.



Lei Mao

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