Unit Quaternion 3D Rotation Representation
In my previous article “Axis/Angle 3D Rotation Representation”, we have learned the axis/angle 3D rotation representation, there is another commonly used representation which is called unit quaternion 3D rotation representation.
In this blog post, I would like to discuss the quaternion 3D rotation representation and derive some of its properties mathematically.
Axis/Angle Rotation Representation
Here is a quick recovery from my previous article “Axis/Angle 3D Rotation Representation” on the axis/angle rotation representation.
where the unit rotation vector
Quaternion Rotation Representation
The quaternion rotation representation is closely related to the axis/angle rotation representation. The two representations could be converted from each other.
It is easy to verify that

We define a new matrix
Therefore, the rotation matrix could be expressed using
Formally, the rotation matrix
Notice that
So the rotation matrix
Quaternion Algebra and Properties
Identity Quaternion
It is easy to find that the identity quaternion is
Antipodal Quaternion
Quaternion Multiplication
It carries the property that
Notice that quaternion Multiplication is not communicative, i.e., usually
Inverse Quaternion
From my previous article “Axis/Angle 3D Rotation Representation”, we already know that
In fact,
Taken together, there could be at least two expressions for the inverse quaternion
Suppose we used the inverse quaternion expression
From my previous article “Axis/Angle 3D Rotation Representation”, we can know that
Similarly, we could also show that rotation
Notice that
Quaternion Division
Spherical Linear Interpolation
In some scenarios, we would like to compute a rotation that is in the pathway of two rotations. This procedure is called spherical linear interpolation or slerp for short.
Suppose we have two rotations using unit quaternion representation,
Using quaternion division, we could compute
We want to make sure that
The fraction of the rotation angle
The unit rotation axis could also be computed using
Thus, by the definition of quaternion,
Unit Quaternion 3D Rotation Representation